2018 – Two months to go

So after finally committing myself to this trip last February the departure date is steadily looming larger and larger in the future. I’ve gone from having the base of an idea, to having the bike, the luggage, and all the equipment ready with the flights and my first few nights booked and paid for.

Honestly this year has just flown by and the preparation has been great fun with lots of riding in various conditions and my fitness level is finally starting to get close to where I need to be for the trip. There is still a long way to go but hopefully over the next month or so I will get there and if not the remaining fitness levels will come with actually riding daily in Japan.

Whats left to do then? Well, I still need to raise funds for the trip and bills so ebay will be getting a hammering. And my Japanese language skills have gotten seriously rusty so I’ll be hitting the books to finally get my Kana down properly and hopefully increase the vocabulary past the ‘Hello My name is’ base level of conversation!

As quick as the last year has been I expect the next two months to drag, with a mixture of excitement and sheer terror as the scale of what I have signed myself up for sinks in past the dreams of waking up to the sun rising over glorious Japanese scenery.

Hopefully the blog will be a little more active as the trip gets closer and I can write some actual updates for you. Wishing you all a very happy 2018.

